Karl-Jörg Xylander


mail icon xylander@cci-legal.de

Karl-Jörg Xylander has many years of experience in advising and representing companies and their decision-makers in all areas of white collar crime and regulatory offences.

He also advises on corporate compliance issues, including in relation to business partners, and conducts transaction-related compliance due diligences with a focus on money laundering, corruption, sanctions and embargo risks.

Internal investigations, which Karl-Jörg Xylander either advises on or conducts on behalf of the company, are often related to cross-border investigations by governmental authorities or whistleblowing by employees. The spectrum ranges from suspicions of corruption to allegations of bullying.

Karl-Jörg Xylander's clients include large and medium-sized, often internationally active companies and their decision-makers.

He is regularly recommended as a lawyer for white-collar crime, compliance and internal investigations.

Before joining CCI-LEGAL, Karl-Jörg Xylander headed the German white collar practice of an international law firm and worked as a public prosecutor in the white-collar crime department of the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office (I).

Selected Matters

Manufacturing company

- Internal investigation into allegations of retaliation by a senior manager and suspected violations of the German Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG).

Specialist manufacturer of vehicle systems

- Advising on the structuring of the compliance programme, in particular with regard to due diligence against financial crime.

Company within the food industry

- Advising on the design of the compliance programme, including the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Automotive manufacturer

- Internal investigation based on allegations of bullying made by whistleblowers against members of the management of a subsidiary, as well as allegations of improper handling of these cases.

A company engaged in political campaigning

- Advice on compliance due diligence of business partners

- On-event compliance advice

Financial institution

- Advice and representation in administrative offence proceedings concerning alleged failures to prevent money laundering

Technology Group

- Advising on potential criminal implications of a consultant's involvement in settlement negotiations with the military in a high-risk jurisdiction

Sports rights marketer

- Advising on the legally compliant structuring and management of the contractual relationship with an agent in a high-risk jurisdiction

Provider of airport ground handling and air cargo handling services

- Advice on the structuring of the whistleblowing system

US investors

- Advice and representation in investigations into cum/ex transactions

Direct selling company

- Advising and representing in connection with fraud investigations of different law enforcement agencies

Power tool manufacturer

- Internal investigation and advice and representation vis-à-vis law enforcement agencies regarding suspected theft of company property by employees and third parties

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